ParcelPay-Your Trusted Delivery Partner

Customer Help & Support

It's easy to get a quote from ParcelPay, simply follow these steps :

1. Use the homepage quote box
From the homepage, enter the weight of your parcel and the postcode you want to send it to in the white box under the navigation bar.
2. Compare prices
Now you can choose between different types of services, and see the list of available services and prices listed.
3. Complete your booking
To proceed, you need to login in after created your login ID. Top up your credit ( RM 10 min for ParcelPay Enterprise ) and start creating parcel with sender and receiver info.

Upon payment, print out the consignment note and attach it with your parcel. Wait for courier to come or you can drop your parcel to the nearest courier's branch office.
Why is the price so low?
ParcelPay send millions of parcels every year meaning we can negotiate fantastic discounts that then get passed on to you!.
Can anybody use ParcelPay?
Yes! Simply head over to our homepage to get a quote. It's free to sign up and you can start sending parcels immediately.
What time will my parcel be collected?
On your scheduled day of collection, your parcel can be collected any time between 1pm and 6pm.

Unfortunately at this time it is not possible to give a more accurate estimated collection window.
My Parcel has not been collected
Please call our hotline number 1700-81-6729 or +603 - 8023 1880 immediately.

Please Do Not make contact with the courier concerned as all questions need to be raised directly with us. We will communicate with them on your behalf if we can't answer your question ourselves.
I was out when the driver attempted to collect
No problem, you can have your item collected another day.
Please call our hotline number 1700-81-6729 or +603 - 8023 1880, our staff will attend to your need.

Please Do Not make contact with the courier concerned as all questions need to be raised directly with us. We will communicate with them on your behalf if we can't answer your question ourselves.
I want to reschedule my collection
Please call our hotline number 1700-81-6729 or +603 - 8023 1880 immediately.

Please Do Not make contact with the courier concerned as all questions need to be raised directly with us. We will communicate with them on your behalf if we can't answer your question ourselves.
I need to change my collection address
Unfortunately once the courier has been sent the collection details, it's not possible to change your collection address.
We recommend cancelling the existing collection, then rebooking.

Please Do Not make contact with the courier concerned as all questions need to be raised directly with us. We will communicate with them on your behalf if we can't answer your question ourselves.
How to track your parcel
It's easy to track your parcel with ParcelPay :

Click on "Track Your Parcel" in the navigation bar and type in your tracking number into the input field, click submit.
What time will my parcel be delivered?
On your scheduled day of delivery, your parcel will be delivered any time between 8am and 6pm unless you booked a priority / timed service (eg. Before 11am).

Unfortunately it is not possible to give a more accurate estimated delivery window.
My parcel is late
We're sorry to hear that your parcel has not arrived on time. The courier companies used by ParcelPay operate on a 97-98% on time service record, but that does inevitably mean that on occasion items don't reach their destination on time.

Please use the tracking links from your dashboard or please call our hotline number 1700-81-6729 or +603 - 8023 1880 immediately..

Please Do Not make contact with the courier concerned as all questions need to be raised directly with us. We will communicate with them on your behalf if we can't answer your question ourselves.
I'd like to change the delivery address
Please call our hotline number 1700-81-6729 or +603 - 8023 1880 immediately.
When will I get my label?
Upon top up, you can immediately print out your label for shipping purposes.

If you have problem generating the label, please call our hotline number 1700-81-6729 or 03-8023 1880.
Phone Support
Hotline :  1700 - 81 - 6729
Phone :  +603 - 8023 1880
Fax :  +603 - 8023 1889
Email Support

ManagePay Technologies Sdn Bhd (523495-V)
Wisma MPSB, Lot 109-113, Jalan USJ21/10, 47630 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia